Why this Holy Week of Prayer?

Excerpt from The Holy Family Rosary:

It should be known that this consolidated insight that suggests the rosary prayers could include the intention of God for Creation beginning with the Immaculate Conception and the Patriarchs in formation of our Judeo-Christian faith. All are presented to advance the cause for holiness throughout Holy Mother Church’s Liturgical Calendar when coupled with daily private devotion of the rosary prayers in weekly mission throughout the world. All to promote certain and sustaining holy zeal.

Although these meditations were realized by what is considered reasonable and ordinary means of infused knowledge, on the rejection or satisfaction of this spiritual work in my lifetime, one might look at what was properly addressed by St. Faustina in saying: “God, in His unfathomable decrees, often allows it to be that those who have expended most effort in accomplishing some work do not enjoy its fruits here on earth; God reserves all their joy for eternity.”[1]

Because of the nature of the Holy Rosary and the length of centuries it has survived unchanged in the life of the Church, at times it seems both daunting and untenable to warrant such a position as mine. To realize having an interior responsibility to introduce additional meditations with their given purpose to complete or extend something that for eight hundred years had been deemed perfect as is when believing this true only if we include the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. However, by God’s Grace this soul has been forever redirected and transformed by the request of St. Pope John Paul II by a particular insight (given within) that the rosary become “a fuller compendium of the Gospel” when he directed us towards a greater knowledge of God the Father through Jesus Christ from a perspective of the rosary as Mary’s school of prayer. For this soul it was enough to hear our Holy Father’s recommendation for an interest to consider the efficacy of additional meditation prayers in like manner of the Luminous Mysteries to advance in my pursuit to understand the meaning of Christ when He said: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”[2]

With personal certitude of the good fruit from these meditations and their direct effect upon our souls, one thing is certain: the greatest comprehension of truth shared by the entire family of God within these mysteries are infused with an historical redounding love of God the Father through His Only Begotten Son in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God truly One before the beginning of time.

Within these meditations the love of God – especially and significantly found within Christ’s entire holy family – can be contemplated as being forever Merciful, Joyful, Gracious, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Faithful in the leading of humanity to that unknown day when we may all come to see God face to face in the Glorious perfection of Jesus Christ. Now, not only with His Mother Mary and St. Joseph her Most Chaste Spouse, we can include all of the choirs of angels in an eternal and timeless perspective with the entire community of saints towards the Kingdom of God in heaven to come, promised to the entire world as told without end. And to this I say, “Amen.”

As it is written – through belief – so may it be.  Amen.  Amen indeed!

[1] Diary of St. Faustina: Divine Mercy in my Soul
[2] Jn. 8:32.